Get Involved

We are a growing team of people whose mission is to train leaders to multiply churches and relieve poverty.

We welcome your involvement in the following:

Prayer Team. You will receive short bullet prayers every 3-4 weeks. We want our prayer team to be two-way so we will always ask you to share your needs with us as well. Our dependency on God, evidenced by our growing team of prayer partners, is at the very heart of all that we do.

Construction Overseas. As opportunities arise for short-term construction projects, we will let you know about these opportunities. Let us know (in the comments) about your construction experience.

Leader Training Team. We want to expand our team of trainers and will be providing training for trainers who can be part of our team. We also want to network with other trainers. Let us know if you would like to be kept informed of this training and collaboration. Provide information on your background (in the comments) as well as your experience and interest.

Web Design and Social Networking. If you have skills in designing web pages or if you are an active user of social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter, we can always use your help. Use the comments section to tell us about your abilities or interest.

Fundraising. If you would like to help us get the word out to others and build relationships with individuals and churches who will partner with us financially, let us know. Your help in building bridges to others can greatly increase our ability to serve people in need.


Sign Up Here

Name (First & Last) *:
Email *:
Country *:
Prayer Team
Construction Overseas
Leader Training Team
Web Design and Social Networking
* Required Field